Monday, October 20, 2008

Fall has finally arrived...

It's definitely my favorite time of year.
Great for hiking Old Rag

The crisp air ... changing leaves ... and our primevil instinct to consume more fat - are only a few reasons to cheers this season.

Fall is a nostalgic time. Witnessing and breathing in these changes often brings memories of the ghosts of fall seasons past.
Like my first job as an executive chef in a tiny whiny french kitchen
There, we ordered special oven roasted Italian tomatoes - from a "gourmet" purveyor, for an outrageous cost to not only the business and patrons - but also, of course,the environment :( ...
Thank god those days are over.
Now, I am canning my own roasted tomatoes - which are visible in the window of my place - a sure sign that we're following the seasons and keeping it local.

Surprisingly, there are still tomatoes at the farmers market.
- They won't last long, time to stock up, grab some mason jars and get going.
I recommend buying from Mountain View Farm, at 14th and U.

A quick HOW TO:

gather a few 32 oz. mason jars
1 Large stock pot half full of water

For 2 jars, you're going to need approximately 4 Cups of tomatoes - Approximately 10LBS, if you're going through the effort though, might as well make more.
Slice tomatoes in half, oil and salt, and spread evenly on baking sheet (seed side down)
roast at 350 until skin in crispy and liquid fills tray
Sanitize jars by washing in soapy water first
next, bring stock pot to boil and place the jars and lids inside - boil jars for 10 minutes and leave the lids in until ready to seal jars.
In the sanitized jars add:
2 T lemon juice
2 T of any herbs you like (thyme, basil, oregano, rosemary,etc)
1/4 C roasted garlic (you can quickly brown whole cloves on the stove top - using a saute pan and a bit of oil- heat oil until HOT, add garlic, turn down heat to low -- 10 minutes)
Once tomatoes are ready, and while still hot, funnel them (including all juices) into jars until 1/2" from top. Seal em' up tightly.
Thats it. I don't season mine until I use it
alternatively - you can follow the same directions for canning a classic cooked sauce)

Place tightly sealed jars in boiling water, covered 2" by water, cover with lid.
Grab a book and process for 50 minutes.

Carefully remove from water bath and allow to cool for 12-24 hours before storing in a cool/dry place. When you use them, remember they're unseasoned.

Also made some plum jam.
I don't like adding sugar to fruit, mostly cuz that's what fruit is...but for canning purposes, it is necessary. I made mine with minimal sugar pectin.
Pomona's is my favorite, but I couldn't find it in the District.

Instead, I got Sure-Jell low sugar pectin at the Giant -- I normally avoid killer Kraft
products, but alas, I was desperate- ah, the slippery slope.
( btw - Giant on 8th and P in the District, will soon be demolished, leaving the shaw community with NO WHERE to buy groceries for 2 years, whilst construction of a spa, hotel, and condos is erected. Supposedly, Giant is going to provide a shuttle.
To where? Southeast? Maybe P street Whole Food's would be a better alternative.

Ho Hum, even more reason to get back to jam. Cuz sooner than later, we're going to need to figure out how to grow our own food again.
8 C Plums - pitted and sliced
2.5 C sugar
1 box Sure Jell Fruit Pectin
4 Pint jars (or 2 quarts)
Follow the same directions for sanitizing jars as above.

Cook sliced plums for 5 minutes with 3/4 C water.
Add 1/2 C water and 1 package pectin, bring to rolling boil for 1 minute exactly
Remove from heat and stir in sugar until dissolved.

Immediately ladle into cleaned jars, filling to 1/2" from top, wipe rims clean before applying lids.
seal tightly and boil in stock pot, with 2" water covering, for 10 minutes.

Remove and allow to cool.

That's it for now.
In a week, my sweetheart and I are hitting the road in her newly tuned Previa, we've removed the Jesus fish and are prepared to join the thousands of other crusaders, just like us -- questing after the freedom and self-sufficiency that only a mini van can provide. Unless, of course, you're pimped out in Jaime and Jacob's sweet ride.
more soon...


jaimehotdish said...

i cannot WAIT to meet you on the road and have you cook in our little home. i cannot WAIT!!!

Anonymous said...

You cooked a fish and you look like one too! YAY!

jaimehotdish said...

HOLY CRACK. that plum jam. it's so fricking amazing. i almost feel guilty diluting it in almond butter & plum jam sandwiches. i feel like i should be eating it straight out of the jar. heavenly.

Deborah Krug said...

Hey Chez! ¿Como esta la road trip, y Jenny, y tĂș? Things are good in las Burlingtones, I took a job attempting to get youngsters to eat nutritional things. I made the tomatoes' t´were delish! Also recently experimented with beer miso garlic soup... but enough about food, hurrah Obama!

Deborah Krug said...

eight 7-11 stores count for groceries? boooooo.

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