Monday, October 20, 2008

Fall has finally arrived...

It's definitely my favorite time of year.
Great for hiking Old Rag

The crisp air ... changing leaves ... and our primevil instinct to consume more fat - are only a few reasons to cheers this season.

Fall is a nostalgic time. Witnessing and breathing in these changes often brings memories of the ghosts of fall seasons past.
Like my first job as an executive chef in a tiny whiny french kitchen
There, we ordered special oven roasted Italian tomatoes - from a "gourmet" purveyor, for an outrageous cost to not only the business and patrons - but also, of course,the environment :( ...
Thank god those days are over.
Now, I am canning my own roasted tomatoes - which are visible in the window of my place - a sure sign that we're following the seasons and keeping it local.

Surprisingly, there are still tomatoes at the farmers market.
- They won't last long, time to stock up, grab some mason jars and get going.
I recommend buying from Mountain View Farm, at 14th and U.

A quick HOW TO:

gather a few 32 oz. mason jars
1 Large stock pot half full of water

For 2 jars, you're going to need approximately 4 Cups of tomatoes - Approximately 10LBS, if you're going through the effort though, might as well make more.
Slice tomatoes in half, oil and salt, and spread evenly on baking sheet (seed side down)
roast at 350 until skin in crispy and liquid fills tray
Sanitize jars by washing in soapy water first
next, bring stock pot to boil and place the jars and lids inside - boil jars for 10 minutes and leave the lids in until ready to seal jars.
In the sanitized jars add:
2 T lemon juice
2 T of any herbs you like (thyme, basil, oregano, rosemary,etc)
1/4 C roasted garlic (you can quickly brown whole cloves on the stove top - using a saute pan and a bit of oil- heat oil until HOT, add garlic, turn down heat to low -- 10 minutes)
Once tomatoes are ready, and while still hot, funnel them (including all juices) into jars until 1/2" from top. Seal em' up tightly.
Thats it. I don't season mine until I use it
alternatively - you can follow the same directions for canning a classic cooked sauce)

Place tightly sealed jars in boiling water, covered 2" by water, cover with lid.
Grab a book and process for 50 minutes.

Carefully remove from water bath and allow to cool for 12-24 hours before storing in a cool/dry place. When you use them, remember they're unseasoned.

Also made some plum jam.
I don't like adding sugar to fruit, mostly cuz that's what fruit is...but for canning purposes, it is necessary. I made mine with minimal sugar pectin.
Pomona's is my favorite, but I couldn't find it in the District.

Instead, I got Sure-Jell low sugar pectin at the Giant -- I normally avoid killer Kraft
products, but alas, I was desperate- ah, the slippery slope.
( btw - Giant on 8th and P in the District, will soon be demolished, leaving the shaw community with NO WHERE to buy groceries for 2 years, whilst construction of a spa, hotel, and condos is erected. Supposedly, Giant is going to provide a shuttle.
To where? Southeast? Maybe P street Whole Food's would be a better alternative.

Ho Hum, even more reason to get back to jam. Cuz sooner than later, we're going to need to figure out how to grow our own food again.
8 C Plums - pitted and sliced
2.5 C sugar
1 box Sure Jell Fruit Pectin
4 Pint jars (or 2 quarts)
Follow the same directions for sanitizing jars as above.

Cook sliced plums for 5 minutes with 3/4 C water.
Add 1/2 C water and 1 package pectin, bring to rolling boil for 1 minute exactly
Remove from heat and stir in sugar until dissolved.

Immediately ladle into cleaned jars, filling to 1/2" from top, wipe rims clean before applying lids.
seal tightly and boil in stock pot, with 2" water covering, for 10 minutes.

Remove and allow to cool.

That's it for now.
In a week, my sweetheart and I are hitting the road in her newly tuned Previa, we've removed the Jesus fish and are prepared to join the thousands of other crusaders, just like us -- questing after the freedom and self-sufficiency that only a mini van can provide. Unless, of course, you're pimped out in Jaime and Jacob's sweet ride.
more soon...

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Echinacea, Garlic, & Ginger...Oh my!

The city made me sick.
I guess I've got a classic case of the Lurgies.
I am in need of a quick cure -however, the fish catching scent isn't really becoming.

I've been taking Echinacea and drinking hot toddies before bed - though, I disagree that this makes Scotch more palatable. In fact, I don't use scotch for my toddy because it should always be afforded the respect of a single ice cube. I prefer to use Bourbon -- As it leaves a lovely linger in my throat and a randy luster on my cheeks. :)
While we're on the subject - For those of you who have not had the incredible opportunity to visit the Bourbon Trail -- I recommend donning yer drinkin' boots and getting a move on - For the sake of healing, of course.
Many people ask "what makes a bourbon?" As a shortcut, I asked Wikipedia for you:

On 4 May 1964, the U.S. Congress recognized Bourbon Whiskey as a “distinctive product of the United States," creating the Federal Standards of Identity for Bourbon. Federal regulations now stipulate that Bourbon must meet these requirements:

  • Bourbon must be made of a grain mixture that is at least 51% corn.[1]
  • Bourbon must be distilled to no more than 160 (U.S.) proof (80% alcohol by volume).
  • Bourbon must be 100% natural (nothing other than water added to the mixture).
  • Bourbon must be aged in new, charred oak barrels.[1]
  • Bourbon which meets the above requirements and has been aged for a minimum of two years, may (but is not required to) be called Straight Bourbon.[2]
  • Bourbon aged for a period less than four years must be labelled with the duration of its aging.

In practice, almost all bourbons marketed today are made from more than two-thirds corn, have been aged at least four years, and do qualify as "straight bourbon"—with or without the "straight bourbon" label. The exceptions are inexpensive commodity brands of bourbon aged only three years and pre-mixed cocktails made with bourbon aged the minimum two years.

Simple Hot Toddy
In a mug add:

1 T local honey
Juice of 1/2 notsolocal lemon
1 - 2 oz. bourbon
Top with boiling water, stir,and sip.

Also, this is a good remedy for debate watching blues.

Last night, in need of something else warm and soothing, I opted for a spicy thai style soup.
It was quick and easy because I had been in my restaurant kitchen recipe testing all day and was really tired of standing in front of the stove.

*Tiger soup
* This recipe claims no authenticity of tiger flavor.

1/2 C Minced ginger or galangal root
1/4 C minced garlic
1 stalk minced Lemongrass
1/4# Lobster Mushrooms
1/4# Oyster Mushrooms
1 medium summer or winter squash
1 medium eggplant
1/4# green beans, snipped and halved
1/2 C minced cilantro
1 medium onion, diced
1/2 block Tofu
1 medium turnip, diced
2 T fish sauce (optional)
2 Thai chilis - or any chili of choice
1 jalapeno - deseeded and minced
2 T curry powder
4-6 C vegetable stock
1 can coconut milk
sesame oil

Damn, thats a lot of chopping. Chop everything -- mincing garlic, lemongrass, and ginger.
In a soup pot, heat 2-3 T sesame oil -- once hot, add lemongrass, ginger, garlic, onion, and cubed tofu. Stir continually until slightly browned. Next, add mushroom and then remaining veggies and fish sauce. Toss in Thai chilis(but leave them whole to stew, unless you really like it hot), continue stirring to cook veggies. Once veggies are slightly tender, add curry.
Finally, add stock ( I made a miso broth because I didn't have any veg. stock). Bring to a simmer. Add coconut milk, reduce heat and cook on medium for 15-20 min.
Season to taste with salt, fish oil, curry powder, etc.
Remove Thai chilis if desired.


Its a quickie soup that packs a lot of flavor. Also, its loaded with great healing alliums to chase away season changing viral infection.

Thats it for now .. Check in with my girl, as she is devoted to updating her site much more frequently than I.
and don't miss Margaret and Helen's page.


Friday, September 26, 2008

excuses excuses...

Once again, I know that I have been neglecting this site.
Clearly, you can see that I have been busy back in the city. Dishing up braised cabbage and crispy sage left and right --preparing for the colder months to take hold and leave me with roots, roots, and more roots.
Photo: Alison Miksch
Alas, I am ashamed. Oh well!
I've left the farm, not for greener pastures per say, though I am excited to be back at my restaurant re-working the fall menu and enjoying the buzz of the city.
I have also been venturing out to eat quite a bit as of lately.

Something notable --- if you are extremely bored-- you can listen to my interview with Robin McDermott. Remember, I suggested that you be bored silly.

She has been putting forth tremendous effort to educate and percolate her local community, where I had the privilege of living through the summer...
As such, I connect deeply with Robin's article on food waste.

"Do you want a quick way to reduce your rapidly increasing weekly food bill by 25 percent? It’s easy: stop wasting food. According to a recent article in the New York Times, 25 percent of all food purchased in the U.S. ends up in the trash. Not only is this a waste of money, but it is bad for our landfills now bursting at their seams with unwanted remnants of our wasteful society... I still find science projects in our refrigerator from time to time and I have no choice but to toss them, but they go into the compost pile...Let’s hope that as food costs rise, the silver lining is that everyone gains a little more respect for food and the people who grow and produce it.. "

...speaking of privilege, I have been out to eat more than usual this month.
Moving from Vermont to DC with my car packed full vermont honey, Blueberry jam, fresh picked wild apples, etc.
Jenny and I needed a break and along with something fatty.

How to enjoy a meal on the road...
Determination is a must!
Pull off the Highway
Drive into town
Start looking around
Find a restaurant or something that resembles one
Park, Walk inside, Look at menu -- if your stomach growls--go for it.

We found a great Asian Bistro about a mile off the Interstate in White Plains, Ny.

I happen to be quite frugal on most occasions, except when it comes to food. I had no problem forking over a little extra cash for the vegetarian tasting menu at Cityzen.
Though I am not a fan of asparagus in September, the dishes were expertly prepared and the the service was infallible. I could go on and on about this dining experience ...
Honestly though, it's about the moment I was there with my girl and dear friends. Also, I am no restaurant blogger.
I do think that those of us who are privileged enough to enjoy the artistry of a unique culinary experience should take more time to enjoy it.
Of course, I say this as not only a diner but also a chef who puts my heart, soul, and mind into each dish I prepare. Cooking and eating are means to bring people into community with one another. The act of eating for pleasure is a special gift -- savor it.
Or, if you prefer have it Ala Mode.
Cinnamon Bun Souffle with Cappuccino Ice cream and Steamed milk

Though it's difficult to tell it's fall some days, it won't last long. I am going to stock up on as many tomatoes, plums, cucumbers, and berries as I can get my hands on. Time to start frantically canning now. Next time - hopefully soon - I will give some helpful hints for preserving to get you through the winter.

In the meantime, I know you'll be kept entertained.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A chef's prerogative: perhaps some cheese to accompany my whine.

Starting where I left off in my last post -- Maple Glazed nuts for dessert -- accompanied by Blythedale Brie, McGurran Apiary Honey, Ground Cherries,and Red Hen Bread.

I've been a busy bee and must apologize that updates have been scarce.

Beeeesides having been stung in the face and spending an afternoon in the emergency room with my eyes, toes, and fingers swollen and itchy ...

We've also been throwing a hellofa party here at Knoll Farm.
The 5th Anniversary party, to be exact.
What does it require to cater a plated dinner for 140 people? How about Lunch for 200? And a pre-dinner reception and a post-dinner dance reception and breakfast in the morning...........
all in the rain?
Misty Knoll chicken leg quarters
A word of advice when purchasing chicken... The dark meat of poultry is, in my opinion, much more flavorful than white meat, and has great texture. It is very hard to "kill" dark meat, whereas it's extremely easy to overcook white meat. I know that people are convinced that choosing the breast is more healthful.
I'm here to tell you now, as an authority on Vegetarian cuisine, that this declaration is barely true. The difference between fat and calories is so minute that you really should just buy what you like and can afford. Not only is dark meat more flavorful, it is also much cheaper. Because of the high demand for white meat, prices have sky rocketed to be comparable to tenderloin. Wikianswers: "Also, there is less white meat than dark on a chicken, so less supply, although genetically modified chickens will probably soon have larger breasts, and/or white meat growing on parts of their bodies that were previously dark. Some day, meat will be grown through cell division in test tube conditions. At that time, supply will be controlled to exactly meet demand and the price of light and dark meat will be identical."
In other chicken news ... Corporate chicken recipe get the tear gas treatment.
Here's the highlight:"KFC had a total of 14,892 locations worldwide at the end of 2007. The chain has had strong sales overseas, especially in its fast-growing China market, but has struggled in the U.S. amid a more health-conscious public. KFC posted U.S. sales of $5.3 billion at company-owned and franchised stores in 2007."
Whoops- KFC used an armored car. Th threat of tear gas was the response towards Iraqi veterans peacefully gathered at the Democratic national convention to exercise their 1st amendment rights...

The lesson here: Support your local chicken farmers or raise your own...

Back to the ring...
Most people would hire a professional catering company, such as Cosmos.
I was fortunate to work with the chef, Laura. Taking away valuable experience.
Companies such as these can provide services such as this.

Then again, we at The Center for Whole Communities are not most people, thankfully.

Though I have catered several parties as a private chef, I am by no means a caterer.

Round 1
Debbie, Jenny, and myself K.O.ed this challenge, with our limited resources and few hands on deck.

Jenny and I working the grills in the rain.

I cringe at the thought of ever having to do anything like this again. Aside from the refrigerator falling through the floor, and my body feeling as though I'd been dragged down a gravel road by a tow rope, everything was a huge success.
Once we finally cleaned all the dishes at 10pm, we were free to frolic to the fantastic tunes of Rani Arbo and Daisy Mayhem.

I am exulted with the way our crew came together and tackled an event that would generally require 3 times as many hands,feet, and minds. I have done many many parties and none have ever exhausted me so completely. I must say, however, that this one in particular will remain with me, as I witnessed our little gang whip out their Get 'er done attitudes and embrace what it really means to live and work in community. Everyone here at the center showed their true colors this past weekend and I'm proud to have spent a great long summer with such hard working, considerate, and all around fantastic people.

Coming up...Do it yourself catering ideas, featuring Jenny Miller, baby showers, graduation parties, and more.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

summer summer summer time...

Broccoli, do you have what it takes to be delicious?
Your looks alone frighten people.
Oh Brassica, you have been unfairly frozen and cooked to mush for too long now.
I give you --- Grilled Broccoli.

Cut into long slender pieces, toss in sunflower oil with salt and pepper. Make sure your grill is piping hot and char that broccoli until its blackened on one side. Yum!

and speaking of summer...

Lovely Laura is making a scrumptious heirloom tomato pie for dinner.
Tomatoes are going crazy... so, we're eatin em up. Lycopenes, you fill us with joy!

I made a Panzanella Salad (ie. Bread Salad) today -- Really great summer dish

Cube 4 C stale bread and toast until crisp
Cube 4 C tomatoes
Dice1 Cucumber
Dice 1 Bell pepper
Mince 1/2 C Fresh Basil
Mince 1/4 C fresh oregano
Mix veggies, leaving bread aside until just before serving.

Separately mix Vinaigrette:
2 T minced Garlic
Juice of 1 lemon
2 T dijon mustard
1 T maple syrup
1/4 C red wine vinegar (or whatever you gots)
1/2 C olive oil
Add half of this to veggies and allow to marinate for 30 minutes.
season with salt and pepper to taste.
Just before serving, toss in cubed bread and add remaining Vinaigrette.

Sorry to be cranky about the food systems in the world lately -- But, its not going away.

I have a few tips to help you in your quest to create local systems, while also eating healthier and consequently -- feeling much better.

1. Don't buy packaged food with ingredients you cannot pronounce.
2. Avoid products with High Fructose Corn Syrup ( I know this is repetitive, but seriously folks -that shit will kill you)
3. Don't eat in the car, unless you're falling asleep --Stop at those lovely little rest stops and eat your free range egg salad sandwich in the sun, with the trees and bees.
4. Drive less. There is no reason to drive 3 blocks to grab a 6 pack
5. I like to take a walk for 20 minutes at least once a day after meals.
6. Try growing something in your window seal.
7. Substitute Plain yogurt for sour cream -- and make your own yogurt if you so desire.
8. Eat seasonal fruit instead of sugar laden junk food.
9. Eat seasonally, Period. Why would you eat tomatoes in winter -- they don't taste like anything.

Read up on Heirlooms!

One of my addictions, oh well.
These aren't necessarily local ..though I do miss going for walks in Oklahoma and eating my fill of pecans.
These are simple Maple Spiced Nuts ..which make a perfect snack or accompaniment to a dessert of local cheese and seasonal fruit.

1 C maple
2 t black pepper
1/2 t cayenne
2 t cinnamon
1 t cardamom
1/2 t coriander
2 t salt

Mix well and add 3 C mixed nuts (or seeds)

In a small saucepan, stir over high heat until bubbling. Transfer to lightly oiled sheet tray and bake at 375 for 20-30 minutes ..using a spatula to toss nuts and syrup. When syrup starts to thicken and darken, they're done. Remove from oven and use spatula to assure nuts are coated. Toss a few times while cooling to avoid them sticking to tray.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A special day for a special lady

Deb --This moo's for you!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Exercising my 1st amendment

I'm going to try and make this one quick today ... an insight into my obsession with well as my slightly schizophrenic and unsettled mind. :)

Food insecurity has been described as "a condition in which people lack basic food intake to provide them with the energy and nutrients for fully productive lives." (Hunger Task Force)

I walked around the farm this morning, admiring the tomatoes, peppers, and rapidly growing corn stalks. Myself, feeling privileged and proud to not only have at my fingertips, the most delicious and nurturing food, but to also know that I contribute to the system that grows this food.

Meanwhile, also thinking about the rest of the world, this country, my very own community and the desperate situation with food security -- So, read up -- If there one thing that MUST change in this world -- It is the food system degradation. Thinking about the fact that I sit here, with my new computer, piles of coffee mugs surrounding me, books, pens, fish oil in capsule form because I prefer not to taste it ... all of these seemingly simple commodities -- that I can afford to scoff. I recognize my place in this world and therefore it is my responsibility (and yours) to embrace our social and civil duties.

Its a small example -- but the kitchen crew and all staff ensure that all plant based materials are composted, even our humanure finds a happy home to become rich, nutrient-filled compost with which to feed summer flowers. We feed the chickens tasty scraps in turn for their even tastier eggs. Those loyal, grub loving chickens follow the grass fed sheep in rotational grazing - sanitizing the soil by devouring any potential parasites in the soil and manure. And so on...

It is a beautiful process indeed. One that has kept humans alive and healthy for centuries. Also -- It is a system that has quickly deteriorated. We humans have become lazy and careless about our bodies. No longer do we invest in nutritional foods, support local systems, and use energy wisely. Instead, we have allowed the industry to dictate our "food" system. We are far less frugal with cell phones, cable television, and new cars than we are with the most basic and essential key to happiness --- honest to goodness FOOD. Grocery stores fill landfills with "spoiled food" that is pefectly edible and could feed another 27% of our starving population.
We consumers have a choice. It is very simple. As the most privileged nation in the world, we must use our power of choice to create a more secure system for ourselves, one another, and the entirety of the human race. Globalization does not solve our problems, it only perpetuates our dependency on corporate control. As individuals we can focus on rebuilding our local communities and supporting those who are less fortunate through access to real food.
It is essential that we understand and demand that all humans have this basic right to food and nourishment. It is possible to grow and change --

From nourishment and stability comes a more balanced and peaceful society. Until we, as a human race, unite to bring sovereignty to ourselves and one another, debasement of our society, culture, and environment will continue.

"Certain rights can never be granted to the government but must be kept in the hands of the people...a right is not something that somebody gives you; it is something that nobody can take away"- Eleanor Roosevelt

Having a blog is like having a baby, without all the stretch marks and hormonal changes.
I can say what I want, and if you don't like it -- you can go to your room without dinner.

And thanks to mainstream media --- here I am, saying what I want to on Emeril's Going Green Series.

Due to air sometime in September.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Holla Back .... (UPDATED

with Challah and Yak...
Dr. Oran Hesterman- (check out The Fair Food Foundation) displays his awesome Challah ---which did indeed make me wanna holla. I don't generally get down on bread --- but this was incredibly delicious. Sorry you had to miss it. He used whole wheat, spelt, cornmeal, and sesame for a spin on a classic jewish
Shabbat bread.

In other news....

If you haven't tried fresh blueberries, chevre, basil, and olive oil on your very own woodfired pizza -- you are missing out.


The folks at Vermont Yak Co. are making waves with their healthy and lean meats --I'm excited about these Tibetan treats for many reasons. They are very similar to buffalo and every time I ride my bike down Route 100, I see them grazing in the pastures -- an assurance that these animals are being raised and treated humanely. If Yak isn't available in your neck of the woods -- any shank will do. Assuming, of course, that it is not from a feedlot.
(Sad feedlot cattle)

Now that you know all about sad feedlot cattle, on to preparation-- I coated each shank with olive oil and a mixture of Rosemary, Curry, Cumin, salt, pepper, and brown sugar. Next, I seared each one in a cast iron until caramelized on each side.
Finally, I placed them in a 2" baking dish -- with onions, carrots, and garlic --- and finished them with a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon and Vermont Apple Cider.
Next, cover the baking pan with foil and bake at 300 degrees for 6 hours -- a slow, wet roast assures that the meat will be tender and literally fall off the bone without drying out.

..completing the finishing Yak Touches .. I removed the wine and cider that had previously covered the shanks. In a saucepan, I brought a boil and reduced to 1/2. Wow, it made for a delicious sauce to smother those tender little shanks.
Finally, a dish that Julia Child would don acceptable enough to accompany a nice glass of sherry.
Also, what a woman that Julia!
Spaetzle in Black Currant Sauce

One of the retreat participants brought Black Currants as a gift --- I wanted to experiment, as usual, so I decided to make a savory sauce. Honestly, The best direction I could give --- browning garlic, adding currants, minced sage and rosemary, maple syrup, and salt and pepper to taste. I let this sauce thicken slightly and then tossed Spaetzle just before service.
These little dumplings would be excellent with the aforementioned Shank or any game meat. The black currant is tangy but also sweet. I sure love to fruit my meat!
Also, it's nice as a stand alone with roasted beet greens.

I swear, last weeks dishes are coming soon (roasted beet salad, poached pears, etc.etc.etc.)

In the meantime -- Enjoy the updates from the nearest and dearest to my heart --
it's true, she traded her BWM for a minivan!

Also, don't forget to try out Jeremy's Tomatillo Recipe.

Ciao and enjoy!

Friday, August 8, 2008

what summer's all about

I was just pulling off my pants when I saw this sign in the brush... I decided to refrain.

Besides going for a lovely motorcycle ride and visiting the falls, I've also been busy with the harvest.
I went to an awesome foodie event for the Vermont Fresh Network at Shelburne Farms.
The guys at Hen of The Wood let me cook with them ..I drank too much wine, but I also got to try Goat in a Box.

A quick summer menu for a small crowd

Beautiful Roasted Beet Salad
Cucumber Salad with marinated red onion, tomato, and cauliflower

(sorry it's fuzzy, totally unprofessional)
and for dessert ....

Cider Poached Bartlett Pears with Coconut milk
(or any variety of apple or pear -- Look for regional fruit and at the very least, domestic)

Damn, do I have to type up all the instructions now?
I figure taking pictures should get you going.
Alright... here's the deal. I'm super busy now, but I'm going to come back with recipe tips.